Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Push Me!

Every Tuesday, Sarah B. from Yes, Teacher! has a linky party called "Tickle Me Tuesday," where we all get together to link a post about what is tickling each of our fancy.

Right now, I'm trying to get into a routine so that I can fit in all the things that I love and all the things that I have to do whether I love them or not! my thesis, my part time gig as a marker for a prof/friend, Molipop, Blogging, exercising, friends, family, me-time, housework and whatever. I'd like to bake more, and never get around to it. I'd like to do more pleasure-reading, and I never get around to that either. I'm admittedly not very good at self-motivating, so this week, I'm tickled by motivational quotes! 
Image from Walking Around Where the Sidewalk Begins
print for sale here
print for sale here

image here

What's your favourite motivational quote?

Head on over to Yes, Teacher! To join the party:


  1. Ooooo... there are so many out there! I love the ones you posted :)
    Totally agree on the pleasure reading... I have a book on my nightstand that I have read one chapter in, and I desperately want to sit down and finish it, but life is a little busy these days :) maybe soon!
    Happy Wednesday!!!!

  2. Love all of these quotes! Especially the "work smarter not harder" one :)

  3. Very cool! Love the last one. :-D
