Monday, January 9, 2012

D.I.Y: Liquid Embroidery Hoop Turned Magnet Board

I found these metal embroidery hoops at my local Salvation Army the other day. I had no idea what they were; the lady at the counter informed me that they were for liquid embroidery. Who knew! 

Well, since I am obsessed with magnetic boards for organizing my life (see hereherehere, and here) it was love at first site. Hello, favorite fabric, I'd like you to meet this lovely tin surface. 

liquid embroidery hoops: 50 cents a piece

stretch fabric across the surface and press the hoop on

turn it over, and hot glue the fabric all the way around the back 'lip' to keep the fabric from slipping
and trim to tidy it up

display lovely mini calendars or whatever-- $7 printables from valentinadesign on etsy
This stuff never gets old!

1 comment:

  1. ok... this is the CUTEST thing I have ever seen!
    what a genius idea!!! are you going to sell them in your shop with cute fabrics??? you SHOULD!!! :)
    thanks for sharing!
    happy monday!
    maggie h.
    p.s. thanks again for helping me out with the awesome blog button! you rock!
