Wednesday, September 21, 2011

In my Living Room!

I'm a single gal living at home with her parents again. I know I'm supposed to be embarrassed, but the thing is, I actually really like it.

Today I'm linking up with Gussy Sews Inspiration Workshop, and the inspirational prompt is "Family Room." The family room is one of my favourite places in my parents' house (aside from my room/sewing room, of course). It's smallish, but I really enjoy the time we spend together there. A lot of it revolves around our favourite tv programs and the occasional movie night. Now I know it's popular to poo-poo tv these days, but i really like tv, and when it comes to my family, common interests can be hard to come by. One thing me and my parents agree on every week is that we LOVE modern family.

posted by mockhappiness on youtube

Mom and I also like to watch Grey's and Private practice if our schedules allow it, and Dad and I are hooked on Parks and Recreation. Oh my goodness, I'm so happy fall TV is back!

While I love my parents' family room, and the time we spend together there, if I had my own single-woman-family room (and all the time and money in the world) it would probably look a little different.

This one's for me:

This one's for the cat:
image from AtomicAttic on Etsy

For resting junk food and feet on:
image from do it yourself

To adorn the walls:
image from AlisaBobzien on Etsy

To adorn the floor:
image from greenatheart on Etsy

What's the best part about your family room? If you could go wild decorating, what would yours look like?

Thanks for stopping by! Stay tuned (and link up) this week for my first ever linky party!

1 comment:

  1. My two oldest kids and I love watching Modern Family too, and Grey's and Private Practice are my favorites. As for decorating, doesn't matter about the furniture for me as long as there's a fire place. :)
