Tuesday, July 26, 2011

How About That

I found these round magnetic boards at the dollar store around the same that I found a roll of the most amazing mustard-coloured vintage drawer liner EVER. Covering the boards in drawer liner stuff seemed pretty obvious and easy.

First I peeled away the backing on the drawer liner (not all the drawer liner, just enough to cover a board).

Then I placed a magnetic board on the sticky surface and turned it over (sticky side down) and smoothed it over to make sure it was all stuck. The great thing about drawer liner is that you can lift and re-stick. So before you trim, check for any bubbles or whatever.

Then I turned it back over (sticky side showing) and used a craft knife to trace around the board and trim off the excess liner.

Voila! I put them up above my sewing machine, and now I just have to cover it in inspirational type things and shopping lists and order lists (I love lists). Actually, I did this project and took this photo ages ago, so all the boards are actually schmeared full of lists and pictures and whatnot.

Then, having become obsessed with the magical properties of drawer liner, I covered my dresser with it (partly because I'm in love with the colour and print of the liner and partly because I was not in love with the stains and chips on top of the dresser).

The downside is that now that the liner has been on my dresser for awhile, it's starting to get some scratches and tears, especially in places where I didn't trim it right up to the edge. But! It can still be peeled off without leaving a sticky residue, so I still consider it an all-around winning (albeit temporary) decorating idea.

1 comment:

  1. i love this! i've been looking for a clever way to re-do a hand-me-down dresser!
