I happened to happen upon Gussy Sews, a fantastic crafting and daily life blog on the day when this post was at the top of the list. It's one post in a series of posts that are meant to simultaneously generate inspiration and community. Given a prompt every friday, everyone who link up with the "Gussy Sews Inspiration Workshop" creates a post around the week's theme, and at the end of the week, we all link our posts to Gussy's blog. My explanation is inadequate, at best, but I assure you it's a fantastic idea, and I decided to link up (participation points for me!).
This week's prompt is "GARDENING"! Yay! I'm already inspired . . . inspired to ditch my thesis work and play in the garden, yard, and surrounding area all day. Stay tuned for a good ol' garden themed post sometime in the next week, complete with heaps of photos.
Oh, and just to show you what a good idea it was to ditch on my homework, here's how my day in the garden ends:
recipe to follow!
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