Wednesday, May 11, 2011

May Flowers

Without intending to, I made two craft projects with yellow flowers within the last few days. Though it doesn't really surprise me, since I'm way into yellow right now. Also, the only flowers that seem to be blooming around me right now are yellow.

So anyways, project one is a dry erase board. I've been wanting one for awhile, but not wanting to actually buy one. So I used an old picture frame I had lying around and a thrifted pillowcase that was too threadbare to do anything with and too pretty to get rid of. I sprayed a piece of cardstock (sized to fit in the frame) with some adhesive and stuck the already ironed pillowcase to it and then trimmed the pillowcase along the edges of the cardstock. Popped it in the frame, and voila! That makes sense, right? I didn't take pictures of the process, but it's a simple enough project that you could likely do it yourself without illustrated instructions--if you need a dry erase board on the cheap, that is.

The second project is this fun fabric flower accessory. I found the tutorial via Home Sweet Home on Colette Patterns . It really is super-easy and, as Laura and Diandra note, it's a great way to use up scraps. I added some extra petals, which may have been a mistake after all (It started looking a little sloppy after 20 petals, but I couldn't stop myself). Then I attached it to some bias tape that I had laying around to make a headband out of it. Try it out for yourself!

I also made a simple shift dress on the weekend, but I wore it and slopped on it, so now I have to wash it before I take pics and post about it.


  1. i love your flower! and that white board it totally great. I'm keeping my eyes peeled for an old garage sale frame with glass to make my own.

  2. I had no idea you blogged! These are things you need to share!

    Awesome. Totally and completely awesome.

    LOVE the dry-erase board idea. Love.
